Friday, June 02, 2006

Seven Minutes

Keith Olbermann is something of an oddity in the mainstream media that's otherwise populated with the fawning, obsequieous power whores who, recently, have had nothing better to do than sniff the Clintons' underwear (I know, guys, there's not much else going on in the world right now), and the pugnacious right-wing blowhards like Limbaugh and O'Reilly.

Olbermann had apparently had enough of O'Reilly's fact-free schtick the other night, and brought O'Reilly's perfidy to the attention of his audience. Crisply. And it's a good thing, too, because the depth of O'Reilly's vileness in the piece is astounding. It's clear to me that, like the Bush administration, concrete and your average housefly, Bill O'Reilly is entirely incapable of learning.

If you've ever despaired for the state of the "liberal" media in this country, these seven minutes are like a tonic. It's sublime. How could it not be, with its use of the phrase "Sisyphus of morons?" Go watch.