Saturday, June 03, 2006

Over The River and Through the Woods

Well, we're off to Montana this morning, our Memorial Day trip having not worked out for various reasons. Posting may be light. It used to be that internet access in this tiny northwestern Montana town was hard to come by indeed -- we would have to go to the library and beg for a visitor password for fifteen minutes of internet access. Or, in the summer when the house phone is on, we'd have to plug the laptop into the phone jack and pay a jillion dollars in long distance fees for access of the most glacial speeds imaginable. But with the increased prevalence of wireless internet, those days are thankfully over. I'll head down to the cafe in town on Monday with my laptop and check e-mail. Now if I could just get cell phone reception, I'd be set.

On the other hand, it was nice to be able to get away and be utterly unconnected. Fortunately, the house itself remains securely apart from the larger world, both electronically and geographically.

There is much to look forward to on this trip. Our neighbors down the road have a three-week old foal. We've been crossing our fingers since last summer for this to work out -- the mama lost one pregnancy already, the year before. TK is beside himself wanting to see the "baby horse." Plus, I always enjoy when the neighborhood dogs trot up the road to visit. The goofy, year-old Newfoundland is a little too big for TK, but I love him.

Well, every second I sit here jawing away at you all is one second I'm not on the road. I'll probably be around periodically until we get back Tuesday night.

I must go breathe the evergreen air now. I'm afraid it's been too long.