Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Perhaps Realizing She Will Never Have Confirmation Hearings to Worry About, Trailhead Comes Clean on a Pressing Matter

Kristy has queried in the pocket Constitution post below whether I have a favorite amendment, and suggested that this should be the test by which we ascribe hopeless dorkitude. I've no doubt she did so with an expectation that such a thing would be so bizarre, so unutterably ridiculous, that it couldn't possibly be so. But I live to disappoint those with any sort of hope in the essential rationality of my character, and so we shall proceed.

The good news is that this is a matter of some struggle for me; I have no clear favorite. I like the Ninth simply for providing the foundation for Justice William Douglas' clearly fuckit-esque pronouncement that its "penumbra" allows us any number of rights, including the use of birth control. It's difficult not to like an amendment that inspired the introduction of a word like "penumbra" into our constitutional discourse. Hehheheheheheh, you said penumbra.

But as you can imagine, I'm somewhat fond of the nineteenth, as well as the post-Civil War amendments. Without all of those amendments, this country would have fulfilled not even a whisper of its true promise. As it stands, I'm not sure we've achieved much more than a soft but conversational tone.

So cough it up. What's your favorite amendment (and justice, if you have one) and why?

(T Bro, I already know yours.)