Friday, June 09, 2006

Blogger Back on its Meds

Like Trailhead Kid, Blogger was uncooperative all day yesterday. Not only was I unable to post, but there are comments that still aren't being represented in the front page numbers. As you can imagine, I am starting to suspect that Kristy's feelings toward Blogger may be spot on. Which is funny, really, because I went a good six months on Blogger with nary a problem. But the last few weeks have been a nearly constant trial. On the other hand, you get what you pay for.

I've been nurturing embryonic thoughts about knocking this place down to the studs and doing a bit of renovation. But that would require me to learn some blog design skills, and summer is not the season for that. And I'm not interested in paying someone for what is clearly just a vanity project. It's far more likely that I'll do a little tinkering on the existing Blogger template, and then make more extensive changes once the winter winds have confined me to the fireside.