Saturday, January 07, 2006

Post-Christmas Multimedia and the Trailhead Family

We're reading, watching, and listening to so much good stuff we got during the holidays that I thought I'd plug it on the ol' blog.

Thanks to Bloggerdad, Trailhead Kid has been enjoying (along with his parents) The Life of Mammals, a multi-DVD set hosted by the irresistible Sir David Attenborough.

I purchased The Sex Lives of Cannibals at the Powell's in the Portland airport before we flew out to Indy. I haven't laughed so much on a flight since I read Bill Bryson's The Lost Continent on the trip from JFK to Indy on our way back from Madrid (ask Trailhead Brother how that went). Author J. Maarten Troost and his then-girlfriend (now wife) Sylvia move to an atoll in the South Pacific called Tarawa. Are you thinking a lush island paradise? Think again. Hilarious.

Finally, thanks to the Wasteland Family, TK has been enjoying his new They Might be Giants CD, Here Come the ABC's. My favorite: "C is for conifer, over 500 kinds...."

Highly recommended, all.