Monday, February 20, 2006

Looks Like Someone's Got a Case of the Mondays*

Well I let the Bladerunner (TS) go off to work with my digital point-and-shoot, which contained all the snapshots from our sortie to Mt. Fuji Rainier (thanks, Kristy). This excludes, of course, the "real" images, which are on rolls of Fuji Velvia 50 and will shortly be sent off for processing.

(Stop with the cacophony about getting a digital pro setup, already. Yes, I know I need one. And as soon as my pocket change adds up to the $2,500 I'll need to get a digital SLR with the same capabilities as my film camera, I will hie to my favorite online camera store and procure same. Until then, anyone complaining about how I am still in the photographic dark ages will be fined $100 toward getting me out.)

I know the tone here at Trailheadcase has not been cheery of late, and if you're here today hoping to find an inspiring example of positive thinking, I suggest you point your browser elsewhere with dispatch. If, on the other hand, your mood can be improved by reading the grousings of a discontented, serotonin-deprived curmudgeon who has been indoors way too much of late and thinking to yourself, "jeez, at least I'm not that far gone," why then make yourself comfortable and sit a spell.

Cuz the hits, they just keep comin'.

*Bonus points to anyone who can name the reference.