Friday, July 21, 2006

In Which I Annoy The Hell Out of Wasteland, Again

I just checked and it's 105 degrees here. WOW. I had no idea it was that hot -- I was expecting 90 or something.

Anyway, I haven't turned on the air conditioning in the house -- you know, just to get an idea what life will be like after peak oil. (And to engage in my own tiny environmental rebellion.)

It's not bad.

I know it's an old cliche, but dry heat really is easier to take than sticky, humid heat. Back in the midwest, 105 is misery. But here, I check and think, "wow, I had no idea it was that hot!" This afternoon I took a cool shower and that sustained me for almost an hour. And really, it's just the upper level that's warm. Downstairs is fine.

But soon Mr. T's going to come home and kill my buzz when he turns on the air.

Update: Holy cow. In Cannon Beach, 80 minutes to the west, it's 66 degrees. The weirdness of the weather here is endlessly amusing.