Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Entertainment News Stream of Consciousness

Lance Bass is gay. Oprah is not. The whole Superman's gay anti-scandal was just a silly little tempest in a teapot. At any rate, the movie appears to be a disappointment.

Speaking of disappointments, you won't catch me swimming with the Lady in the Water. Burn me once, Mr. Shyamalan, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me. Burn me a third time. . . . ain't gonna happen! (True confession: I actually have to really fight the urge to go see it, becuase maybe, just maybe, he can redeem himself. Be strong, Wasteland!!)

Speaking of Shyamalan, his little dead-person-seer is all grown up and nearly witnessed his own death last week.

Speaking of people you might need a paranormal expert to conjure up, presumably she's not dead, but still nobody's seen Suri Cruise. (Well, that's the same as nobody really. Isn't it?) On the other hand, everybody's seen Shiloh. At any rate, they can join Apple, Coco, Phinneas and Hazel, Pilot Inspektor, Banjo, and (hometown favorites) Speck and Hud in a "what-the-hell-were-my-parents-thinking-when-they-named-me-that" group therapy session.

Speaking of "what-the-hell-were-they-thinking," surely Steely Dan can find a better way to get some publicity than to bug poor Luke Wilson about a character that his brother Owen plays in a throwaway summer comedy that they claim is ripped off of their lyrics. Really. Luke's got his own trouble's fighting of his Super Ex-Girlfriend and the bloat problem.

Speaking of bloated loads of dung, when will CBS give up and finally jettison Big Brother? All Stars? There's a number of faulty assumptions in that characterization.

Speaking of assumptions, why is the fact that Lance Bass is gay considered news?

And there you have it folks; we've come full circle!!!