Friday, July 22, 2005

Once Again a Member of the Landed Gentry

Trailhead has a new house.

The difference between Indiana and the Pacific Northwest with respect to real estate prices is positively stroke-inducing. The first time I logged onto a real estate website out here, I almost swallowed my tongue in horror. For a time it looked as though I would need to market one of my kidneys to be able to afford a home. Fortunately, the institutional kindness of a mortgage lender saved me from such a fate, though the closing this afternoon was only slightly less unpleasant.

So, thanks to a real estate agent with the patience of Job, our willingness to sign about 200 documents (I'm not kidding), some of them captioned "This document means nothing, we just want to make you sign again because we are drunk on our power over the masses" (I am kidding), and the benevolence of a faceless loan originator, I will be eating dinner on the hardwood floors of my new home tonight.

Pizza, perhaps.