Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Post China Syndrome

I wish I had come up with that title myself, but the honors must go to Trailhead Brother II (the suffix is by age, not importance).

Anyway, I'm back.  My cold has just settled down for a long winter's nap in my lungs, and will no doubt have a lovely Thanksgiving there.  I cannot speak in a voice louder than a mere conversational tone without being overcome by a paroxysm of painful coughs.  Most of you realize how disconcerting that situation must be for me.

And there's also been the job of receiving TS back home after three weeks away, and all that entails (most of which you can be thankful I won't detail for you here).  My cable internet has been on the fritz all day.  This is probably not a bad thing, as I was on the fritz most of the day too, and probably would not have made use of it anyway.

And so we have landed on the day before Thanksgiving, and we are still pondering what to do.  The most promising option involves good food and lots of laziness, which is the whole point of the holiday anyway, other than the basic premise of gratitude.

Then off Friday to shoot, probably in the Gorge or on the coast.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday scattered about as you all are – FullMoon in Akron teaching Trailhead Brother I the joys of an organic, free-range Thanksgiving, Bloggerdad in Chicago, and Rose in Montana.  Enjoy!