Monday, October 10, 2005

When Your Eyes are Bigger Than Your Stomach


This story is interesting for a number of reasons, including the question of which badass animal is the bigger badass, the python or the alligator, as well as the mere spectacle of an enormous snake eating something so much bigger than itself that it exploded. It's just kinda cool, you know?

But most importantly, this is a lesson in the damage that nonnative species can do. Some genius gets a Burmese python and then, probably after it eats their chihuahua, realizes the snake is kinda big and inconvenient. Imagine that.

Then, further compounding an already breathtaking display of idiocy, this individual decides that the Everglades would be the perfect place to get rid of the python so it'll stop eating the neighborhood pets. Except, not so much. Now it's eating alligators and fucking up the ecological balance of the Everglades. Problem is, this is an ecosystem that's burdened enough without the asshats who think it's a great place to release the exotic pets they shouldn't have gotten in the first place. But who cares, really? It's just a bunch of grass that no one cares about, right?