Sunday, May 14, 2006

And a Chip Falls Off the Old Block

Trailhead Kid has discovered my camera gear.

I was photographing some fairy slipper orchids a few weeks ago in the Gorge when it seemed to hit him that Mommy was playing with some very interesting equipment. He insisted on looking through the viewfinder, but mostly I was able to distract him by giving him free rein with the digital point and shoot. Of course, now this means he wants to take pictures all the time. All. The. Time.

But here's the thing. He's actually not too bad for a three-year old. So I thought I'd give him a little blogxhibit.

He calls this one "Mom taking picture of the sunset on Cannon Beach."

"Emerging shoe fetish."

Critics everywhere are amazed at Trailhead Kid's ability to offer a fresh perspective to the standard bird-in-flight image, by eliminating any point of reference whatsoever.

Okay, so his composition skills need work. Wanna make somethin of it?